Contact Information
1225 W. Spruce Ave.
Wasilla, Alaska 99654 Office Hours:Mon-Fri 8am to 5pm
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Core Values:
- Person Centered (services)
- Respect
- Advocacy
- Choice
- Excellence
- Teamwork
MSSCA understands that each individual and family who chooses MSSCA has hopes and dreams for an active and meaningful life. Our services honor individual choice, community inclusion, and family preservation.
MSSCA, a 501(c)(3) non-profit agency, was formed in January of 1985 as Mat-Su Children’s Services, Inc. by a small group of community volunteers who believed in providing community-based specialized services to families with young children. At that time, the agency assumed responsibility for the Mat-Su Infant Learning Program. The Infant Learning Program (ILP) provides home-based services to families with a child between the ages of birth and three years old, who has either a diagnosed developmental disability, a delay in development, or is at risk for such a developmental delay.
MSSCA Changes and Grows
In 1987, MSSCA’s name changed to Mat-Su Services for Children and Adults and expanded service choices to meet life-long needs of individuals with developmental disabilities. Additional services included supported employment, supported living, respite, care coordination and family support services. In July 1998, MSSCA was selected to be a member agency of the United Way of Mat-Su. This has provided new opportunities for funding of previously unmet needs for MSSCA consumers and has expanded public awareness of the agency and the services we provide in our community. MSSCA submits applications to the United Way annually, reflecting the current needs of our consumers.
For over two decades, the Mat-Su Borough (MSB) experienced the fastest population growth in Alaska. For example from April 2000 to July 2011 the MSB’s population grew by 55% from 59,322 residents to an estimated 91,697. The number of MSB residents experiencing developmental disabilities and delays also grew exponentially over the years. As a result, much of MSSCA’s 30-year history has involved striving to meet the ever-increasing demand for services.
Like our Borough, MSSCA grew from humble roots serving 20 families and employing two part-time staff members in 1985 to serving more than 1800 individuals and families and employing 275 staff in 2014. Looking ahead it is likely MSB’s population will continue to grow. The Alaska Department of Labor forecasts an average annual population growth of 3.1%, which will bring the borough’s population to 136,459 in 2025 and 152,456 in 2034. Also likely will be a corresponding growth in demand for MSSCA’s services.
Board of Directors
MSSCA is governed by a Board of Directors. These Board members are community volunteers who represent a cross section of skills, interest, and experience. The Board of Directors is legally and financially responsible for the agency. The Board conducts monthly business meetings, which are open to the public.
Non-Profit Status
MSSCA is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a charitable non-profit organization and has 501(c)(3) status.